Friday 27 March 2020

Childish Gambino - This is America


So many references in this song and this video ! But let's focus on the video if you don't mind.

Here are some questions for you :

- How does the main character of the video behave ?
- What about the different beats of the song ?
- What is the main topic of this song ?

You can answer these questions in the comments ! 

Vocabulary 💬

To be focus on something : se concentrer sur qqch
If you don't mind : si ça ne vous/te dérange.s/gêne.s pas
To behave : se comporter
The beat = the rhythm 

Thursday 26 March 2020

Campaign for superhero Halloween costumes for girls - BBC Trending

Should girls be cute for Halloween ? These kids disagree !! 👿

These little girls couldn't find any costume that looked like their favorite superheroes ! They only found costumes that looked cute with tutus ... 😒

But whyyyyyyyyyyy ?? According to their father, society tells girls to be cute as it tells women to be sexy. What a shame ! 😔

Even if his daughters like being cute, they want to have the choice ! 💥

To denounce this issue, he started the hashtag #MoreThanCute to show that girls can be what they want to be. ⁨💪

So let's go girls, let's be Batman for Halloween ! 🦇

Vocabulary 💬 

Cute : mignon
To disagree (with someone) : ne pas être d'accord (avec qq'un)
To look like : ressembler à
According to : selon
What a shame ! : quel dommage !  what a pity (UK)
Even if : même si 

Saturday 4 May 2019

Welcome !

Hi everybody and welcome to our blog ! 

I want you to post stuff you find on the Internet about topics that could be interesting for your final exam. 😁

Here are some examples : videos/articles/songs/memes and so on about agriculture, sport, health, progress, travels, addiction, environment, child labor, food and so on - for the classes of Terminale STAV. For the classes of Terminale S and Terminale STAV, here are the four themes you need to work on : Myths and heroes / Idea of progress / Places and forms of power / Spaces and trades.

When you post the video/article, you also write a little summary and all the useful vocabulary with the translation in French !

If you find a video/an article in French that you find veeeeryyyyy interesting, please translate the important words in English (but I would prefer stuff in English) 😉

Here are some useful websites :

And translation websites :

Now, contribute to this blog and enjoy ! As Barack Obama said ...

Vocabulary 💬

Stuff : des trucs
A topic : un sujet
And so on : etc.
Health : la santé
Travels : les voyages ~ toujours au pluriel ! un voyage : a trip
Child labor/child labour : le travail des enfants
A summary : un résumé ~ a resume/résumé : un CV (US)
Useful : utile
A translation : une traduction
To contribute to : participer à
Enjoy ! : amuse-toi bien/amusez-vous bien ! (= Have fun !)